Monday, May 14, 2007

Featured story

Living wage becomes Md. law
Apology for slavery, ground rent bills among 205 signed
By Andrew A. Green
Sun reporter
Originally published May 9, 2007
Gov. Martin O'Malley signed a first-in-the-nation "living wage" law yesterday, setting a higher minimum wage for those employed by state contractors and putting Maryland in the forefront of a national debate over government's role in fighting poverty.

"What this bill simply says is, 'If you're working on a contract funded by the people of Maryland, we are going to treat you in a fair and just way so you can put food on the table for your family after a day's work,'" O'Malley said.

The living wage bill was one of 205 measures the governor signed into law yesterday, including a formal apology for Maryland's role in slavery - the second such action in the nation - and a series of seven laws designed to end the seizure of homes over unpaid ground rent. A Sun investigation last year found that some Baltimore residents had lost their homes over initial debts of as little as $24.
For more, go to,0,937378.story?coll=bal-local-headlines

Friday, May 11, 2007

Roberto Clemente Plaza in the Boogie Down

Felicidades. The plaza at 149th and Third Avenue (the Hub) in the Bronx is now also known as Roberto Clemente Plaza. The new street sign went up yesterday in honor of the legendary Puerto Rican baseball player and humanitarian.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007