Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Originally uploaded by clarisel.
Written on a wall in the gentrifying El Barrio in NYC

Monday, June 09, 2008

Featured report

Denuncia 'desbalance democrático"

El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, hizo historia al comparecer ante el Comité de Descolonización de la ONU, para denunciar la existencia de un "desbalance democrático" en la relación entre Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos.

Para escuchar el reporte completo, visita http://wapa.tv/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9076&Itemid=57&videonews=1

(The (pro-commonwealth) governor of Puerto Rico Anibal Acevedo Vila made history Monday when he spoke before the United Nations' Decolonization Committee to denounce the "unbalanced democracy" in the existing relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States.)

See related story from the Orlando Sentinel:

Scenes from the PR Parade

For more photos, visit me at flickr at www.flickr.com/photos.clarisel. Also visit the Puerto Rico Sun group at flickr at www.flickr.com/groups/prsun.