Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The National Puerto Rican Day Parade from the lens of Ismael Nunez

Ismael Nunez of East Harlem regularly shoots photos of community events and people in NYC, particularly within the boricua community. On Sunday, he, of course, was at the Puerto Rican parade. He says he had a great time though he acknowledges he left the parade by 12:30 p.m. because "it was HOT!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Featured story

Puerto Rico in independence bid

Mr Acevedo Vila said Puerto Rico should be able to choose its own status

Puerto Rico Governor Anibal Acevedo Vila has called on the UN to back his people's right to self-determination.
Speaking to a UN committee, Mr Acevedo Vila accused the Bush administration of denying the US territory its democratic right to choose its own course.
Puerto Rico has been a US territory since the late 19th Century, but gained greater autonomy in 1952.
The UN panel voted to support a motion calling on the US to grant Puerto Rico the right to determine its own status.
Mr Acevedo Vila's appeal to the UN reflected a change in tone for the governor's party, analysts said.
For more of this report, go to

'Puerto York' Exhibit in the Bx

(photos by Christopher Lopez)

In the Mailbox


An exhibition of my photo work entitled "Puerto York" will have its opening reception June 17th, at The Bronx Borough President's Gallery. If possible, please come and support. Thank you and I hope to see you there. For more info please visit:

Enjoy your summer!
