Monday, June 23, 2008

Save Public Broadcasting


Dear Friend,

We need your help to advocate for a public broadcasting system that offers more independent programming, harder-hitting journalism, and the educational, ad-free content that is missing from commercial media.

The Bush administration is pushing for severe cuts to the budget for public broadcasting. The House Appropriations Committee has the power not just to reject Bush's budget cuts, but to demand increased funding for public media to ensure they can continue to serve our local communities.

Go to the URL below to check out what's at stake and send a message directly to Congress urging them to stop the cuts. Take action on this alert from Free Press at:

Take action at:

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Check out 'Independent Sources' on CUNY-TV

Originally uploaded by clarisel.
La Voz Hispana, a local newspaper, recently wrote an article about Mike Amadeo. Here, Amadeo, who runs the popular Casa Amadeo record shop on Prospect Avenue in the South Bronx, is given a copy of the newspaper to check out the story. His shop has a space set aside for community residents to pick up La Voz Hispana, a free community newspaper.

As a consumer, Amadeo prefers to get his news on radio. He also enjoys listening to news from Puerto Rico on WAPA America via his cable provider because it is news directly from the island.

Amadeo talks to "Independent Sources," a new show on CUNY-TV focusing on the ethnic media. The show premiered on Wednesday night and takes a look at how people from different communities use independent sources, including Asian, Jewish and Latino independent newspaper and other media outlets.

To watch, tune in at 8 p.m. tonight or 10 a.m. tomorrow on Channel 75, NYC.

I was also interviewed for the show representing Puerto Rico Sun and Bronx Latino, independent online media projects. -- Clarisel Gonzalez

(photo by Clarisel Gonzalez)