Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Puerto Rican Music Roots & Beyond Project

From left, Leticia Rodriguez, executive director of La Casa de la Herencia Cultural Puertorriqueña, Inc., and Hector Ortega, a class participant, at a July 6 event in NYC's East Harlem that focused on Puerto Rican roots music.

La Casa as well as El Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños at Hunter College is working with William Cepeda, a renowned composer, trombonist, educator, producer and artist, on a project titled “Puerto Rican Music Roots and Beyond.” The New York State Music fund and the National Endowment for the Arts is helping to fund the project.
The goal is to promote Puerto Rico’s musical heritage to a wide audience throughout New York State, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere. The project will document four genres (Bomba, Plena, Danza, and Musica Jibara) by recording the concerts and other project activities to be used in the creation of DVDs and CDs for educational and commercial release. La Casa is located at 1230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 458. It is a nonprofit, cultural and educational institution. For more information, visit http://www.lacasapr.org/-- Ismael Nuñez

(photo by Ismael Nuñez)

Monday, July 07, 2008

In the Mailbox

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for your continued support of Latino Arts and all its many forms! We are truly grateful!

We are proud to announce LOISAIDA CORTOS LATINO FILM FESTIVAL'S 7th year of bringing quality short films to our community (in New York City) and to cities in Europe such as Barcelona, Madrid and Antwerp since 2005. Also our first Mexico screening at THE LATIN AMERICAN FOOD SHOW (www.lafs.com.mx) in Cancun this September 2008 and for 2009 our first screenings in Brazil and China!!!

This year our festival has moved up to Sunday, August 24 with pre-festival events (this Thursday!!!!) THURSDAYS JULY 10 & AUGUST 7 @ NUBLU (www.nublu.net) with performances by "ROPA VIEJA" and NUBLU's resident DJ's plus FREE COCKTAILS FROM BUDWEISER & BACARDI for those of you who get there early!!!!

With all this said...we want to remind you that our call for submissions is in full effect and our deadline is: AUGUST 8 ! So, please help us spread the word through myspace, facebook, e-mail, text message or fire signals! Any help is truly appreciated...just one click of the mouse!

For more details, submissions forms and guidelines please visit: www.loisaidacortos.com.

Thank you again! We look forward to seeing your bright shining faces throughout the summer!

Ellie Diez
Executive Director
Loisaida Cortos Latino Film Festival

'Coquiando' at Cemi

Community Calendar

6 p.m., Thursday, July 10
Book presentation: "Coquiando: Meditaciones subversivas para un mundo mejor" by Father Luis Barrios
Admission: FREE!
Cemi Underground, NYC's El Barrio
For more information, www.cemiunderground.com or www.coquiando.org.

(Click on image to see larger text.)