Sunday, July 13, 2008

Keeping the Stickball Tradition Alive

These are some of the faces of stickball players and enthusiasts who are keeping the old school NYC street tradition of playing stickball.

Today is the 111TH STREET SALSA STREET PARTY AND OLD TIMER'S STICKBALL GAMES in NYC's El Barrio. For more information on this outdoor festival, check out this link at

(photos from a stickball event last week by Ismael Nuñez)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Featured site

This Meetup group is dedicated to promoting and celebrating Puerto Rican culture in New York City. The group's next meetup is
a CopaCabana dance cruise.

Esperen, muchachos!

Esperen, muchachos!
Originally uploaded by Jorge Rodriguez.
From the Puerto Rico Sun photo group, today's featured image is by Jorge Rodriguez.