Saturday, August 02, 2008


Movement against the federal prosecution of Puerto Rican political prisoners. Video features a recent rally in Brooklyn, NY, protesting the use of a federal grand jury in a current case. See video for details.

For more information on the PR Freedom Project movement, go to or

sources: PR Freedom Project and

Friday, August 01, 2008

Featured story

TKO of Comcast Sets Stage for a Better Internet

Today the FCC delivered a technical knock-out to Comcast. In a landmark decision, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein approved an “enforcement order” that would require Comcast to stop interfering with the use of popular peer-to-peer applications by people on its network.
Today’s FCC move is precedent-setting. It sends a powerful message to phone and cable companies that blocking access to the Internet will not be tolerated. To read the complete blog entry, go to
In the Mailbox

The board of the National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights will meet tomorrow in Boston. All board meetings are open to the public.

Here's an excerpt of an e-mail to PRSUN from Victor Vasquez:

We will be addressing strategic issues at our meeting such as the development of a Business Plan to put the organization on more solid financial and organizational foundation. Also, we determined at our Philadelphia meeting in June that this phase of reorganizing the NCPRR would culminate with a National Puerto Rican Convention to be held next year, possibly in Miami, Fl. In addition, we will discuss a draft of a letter that we plan to send to both presidential candidates: John McCain and Barack Obama requesting a meeting between each one of them and a grouping of Puerto Rican national leaders from around the country so that they can specifically address what each will do, if elected, about the needs of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. We do this because there has been virtually no outreach to our community by either candidate.

That is the gist of what we will be discussing tomorrow.

Here's the agenda for anyone interested in attending:

National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights
National Board

August 2

University of Massachusetts
Chancellor’s Conference Room
Boston, Massachusetts


1. Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

2. Review Agenda

3. Updates

4. Work/Business Plan Draft

5. Letters to Presidential Candidates-Draft

6. Next Meetings: October 11, Bronx, New York; January, 17, Miami, Florida

Editor's Note: I, representing Puerto Rico Sun, plan to attend the Bronx meeting.

For more information on the NCPRR, e-mail